Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

11/20/07: A note from Dave...

As Thanksgiving Day draws nearer, it seems like I tend to look back much more than I look ahead. I imagine most people feel that way this time of the year and things like racing or other hobbies don't seem all that important compared to family and friends. With five brothers you can only imagine how much food our mother had to prepare on Thanksgiving Day when we all lived at home. Those were special memories for me, for the food of course, but also because we were a family first and a race team second. I know that growing up I always appreciated my brothers but looking back now I wish I would have cherished our time together more. I think of how hard our mother worked to make that day extra special for "her boys" and realize how much she sacrificed every day to give us all a good life. We all miss you Mom, and Thanksgiving Day will bring back all the great memories for all of us.

There isn't much going on in racing right now, but with all the great football games every week, especially for a Patriot fan like me, "life is good". I've never been a big baseball fan but watching the Red Sox sweep the World Series sure made a New Englander like me pretty proud.

The race team hasn't made any plans for next year yet but once the holiday season is over I'm sure we will discuss what options are available to us. It's hard to get excited about racing this time of the year but I'm sure when the snow starts melting in the spring that will change.

I once again would like to thank everyone for their support and friendship throughout the race season and year round for that matter. I also hope everyone stays healthy and happy during the off-season. Have a great holiday season with your families.

Yours truly,