Happy holidays to all our friends and fans in the "Racing World"

12/31/07: A note from Dave...

This message is a little late with Christmas behind us and New Year's Eve upon us but I should get at least one half of an "atta boy" for not forgetting completely, don't you think? Right! It's funny how once winter sets in, racing is the furthest thing on our minds and the real things in life like family, friends, health and just surviving in this modern world take center stage. I guess it's good that for a few months every year we all get to "let our hair down" and just go do what we want, ignoring the day to day problems and challenges that face us all. Every year at the first few races I get to see old friends and fans and laugh because we are still alive and drawn back to the race track despite all our threats to "get a normal life". I guess as long as we get excited every spring and yearn for the first smell of racing fuel, things won't change real soon.

I know I have been promising to run some profiles on our race team members but couldn't figure out how to get it started. After spending some time with my older brother Donald during his visit to Florida I finally had some direction and decided to "start at the top".

Yours truly,