Dion Team on hold for 2008 racing season and beyond!

4/14/08: A note from Dave...

It's been a long time since I've written anything for our web page so I thought I would try to bring everyone up to speed on where the race team stands for future racing. We haven't had any contact with the new owner of Berlin City and we really haven't been looking for any new sponsorship yet. We know we can't race without sponsorship but even with financial help, we aren't sure we have enough crew members left willing to commit to the work needed to run a race team.

Roger and Deanna have been carrying most of the workload the past few years and shouldn't have to give up a normal life to do all the work. I know all our crew members are getting older and can't commit the time they once did which makes running a race team real difficult. My brothers and their families have sacrificed their whole life to keep the Dion Bros. Racing Team alive and competitive all these years and any future decisions will be based on their well being. As much as I've loved my life of racing, my love of my family makes my future racing plans easy to except and live with. I think all of us have lost a lot of passion for the sport due to all it's changes lately so I can't blame anybody for not making the sacrifices we once did.

For now we will just step back and see if there are any options for sponsorship, first, and if we can get a commitment from enough people, second, to run any races in the future. Every time I get asked when we will retire I always have the same answer "we will probably never officially retire, we just won't come back one day". I think back to when nobody noticed us when we came into this sport in 1964 and feel we can go out the same way. If I get asked what I'm most proud of it is that we never changed as a family or as a race team when most of the time it would have made things much easier if we did. I didn't start this letter trying to say good-bye but it sure is sounding like it,doesn't it?

I need to cheer this up a little before closing so let's hope for a nice Spring so we can see some "good old short track racing" real soon. I'll be heading north in early May to spend time with family and friends so maybe we can see some of you at the races or race shop sometime.

Take care everyone.

Yours truly,
